Job Title: Mekong Legal Coordinator
Organization: EarthRights International
Bio: Jinmei Liu has started to working as the Mekong Legal Coordinator of Mekong Legal Program of EarthRights International since 2015 , focusing on Chinese Overseas Investment in Mekong region countries and South American. Before joining ERI, Jinmei worked as an environmental public interest lawyer representing pollution victims from communities across China. She is a graduate of the China University of Political Science and Law. After completion of her studies in 2009, Jinmei joined the Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims (CLAPV) in Beijing as a full time volunteer lawyer, putting into practice her dual interests in environmental law practice and public interest law. She has rich experience in conducting environmental tort litigation, environmental public interest litigation and administrative litigation in China; as well as in supporting environmental NGOs and communities to build their legal capacity.