Ways to Support

Supporting and being a part of the APBC&A2JX means ensuring opportunities to achieve access to justice for people who normally cannot afford it. The APBC&A2JX provides significant assistance in helping to achieve some larger pressing goals of combating injustice and poverty as well as improving rule of law in many countries in the Asia. We welcome and are both hopeful and grateful for your support. We therefore very much hope you or others from your firm, organization, business or institution will be able to participate, potentially present, and equally important, considering supporting and sponsoring others from the region and globally who otherwise would not financially been able to do so without such support.

Since the beginning the Asia Pro Bono Conference & Access to Justice Exchange has “walked the walk” and done its part in ensuring these persons are able to attend. Each year the Asia Pro Bono Conference & Access to Justice Exchange helps to subsidize the attendance of “Pro Bono Champions” who could not otherwise afford to attend. We also work extremely hard to organize this event in a manner of high impact yet done in a cost efficient manner that continues to ensure quality but avoids excessiveness. Over these years the APBC&A2JX has been to partially support over 1500 “Pro Bono Champions” from across the region and world to attend the APBC&A2JX.

Much of this was due to the sponsorship provided by our partners and supporters from across the global. Without this sponsorship many deserving people from across the world would have been unable to join us.

Pro Bono Champion Sponsorship

We would like to ask you to consider sponsoring this year’s APBC&A2JX, so that we are able to once again support “Pro Bono Champions” to join us in Cebu City, the Philippines. We have suggested Sponsorship Packages of $3500 USD and $5500 USD and $7000 USD.

General Conference Sponsorship

In addition to the sponsorship of Pro Bono Champions we also ask you to consider being a Pro Bono Conference Sponsor and provide a general contribution to help cover the core costs of the event. In doing so we are able to reduce our overall financial burden and then support a greater number of persons to attend.

In addition to the sponsorship of Pro Bono Champions we also ask you to consider being a Pro Bono Conference Sponsor and provide a general contribution up to $5500 USD to help cover the core costs of the event. In doing so we are able to reduce our overall financial burden and then support a greater number of persons to attend.

Conference Secretariat Sponsorship

The APBC&A2JX would not be possible without the dedication and extremely hard work of the International Secretariat. The Secretariat has been involved in all phases related to the logistical arrangements of the Conference. It also has sourced significant financial, and other support, enabling the Conference to operate, as well as ensuring those of limited financial means to attend. While the Secretariat has always operated, much like the Conference, in a very frugal manner, there are costs associated with it being able to do so.  We therefore sincerely ask you to recognize  the important support provided by the International Secretariat, and do so by providing a donation for this support up to $2500 USD.

The Impact of Champions

Over the past years the effect of these persons attending this Conference has proven to be dramatic and has had a major influence on helping to broaden and deepen the Asia and Global Pro Bono Movement and its impact. These Champions are the some of the most vital current and future persons, often on the “front lines”, helping to achieve greater access to justice through their engaging in pro bono.

Yin Mon Kyaw Oo

Participant from Myanmar

“Personally, I highly encourage students or persons who value the rule of law to attend for this amazing Conference to develop our knowledge and skills, as I did in this 4th Asia Pro Bono and Legal Ethics Forum”.

Run Saray

Participant from Cambodia

“This Asia Pro Bono Conference has built up my additional knowledge and skills and helped me to  prepare for my future work related to legal aid and pro bono work in response to the need of Cambodian society and to perform my legal professional role to fight for justice for the poor people”. 

Leni Widi Mulyani

Participant from Indonesia

“I feel a tremendous benefit after participating in the Asia Pro Bono Conference. It  has broaden my understanding  about pro bono. It is not only emphasize  lawyers  and clients issues, but also when a law professor go into the communities and give legal education  for free it can also be categorized as pro bono activities.”