The Asia Pro Bono Conference Registration Ethos

Since its start, the APBC&A2JX has been run on a revenue-neutral basis, meaning money generated from the Conference is used to support the Conference and much of the surplus is used to subsidize the attendance of regional “Pro Bono Champions” who could not otherwise afford to attend. Most of the persons working to organize this convening do so in a pro bono capacity, and the Consortium works very hard to, at a minimum, cover the out of pocket expenses for persons attending. When the APBC&A2JX has been a physical in-person event, most persons coming worked to source their own support to attend, which has made this event “belong to all” and “supported by all”.

In the past, the starting point has been that all Conference participants must pay a registration fee. This applies equally to everyone including the volunteer organizers and presenters. This is because the registration fees assist in paying for the costs of running the Conference, and there are out of pocket costs for all participants who attend the Conference. It is essential that these out of pocket costs are covered in order to ensure the sustainability of the APBC&A2JX.